Creative Designs

The Lab


Create a video in which you intentionally change the original tone of a pop culture work.


This video is a mash of footage from the hit TV shows Breaking Bad and The Office.

Tools Used: 

YouTube, YouTube MP4 downloader, iMovie, Google Docs

What a Wonderful World


Select a song, and create a video using original footage that best depicts the lyrics and tone of the song.


This is a nature video featuring the song "What a Wonderful World."

Tools Used: 

iPhone, iMovie, YouTube

A Day in the Life of 2031 Middle School


Create a video that shows what life will look like 10 years from now.


This video shows what middle school will look like in 10 years (2031).

Tools Used: 

Vyond, iMovie, Audacity

Phoenix Suns


Remix a YouTube video of your choice.


This is a remix of a previous Phoenix Suns hype video. It contains the original song "Eye in the Sky" paired with newer NBA footage.

Tools Used: 

YouTube, iMovie, Canva

The Color Green


Record a five-minute podcast in which you explain your favorite color.


This is a five-minute podcast that explains why I love the color green.

Tools Used: 

Audacity, Canva, Google Docs